Monday, September 7, 2009

Get my new book: got self esteem?

Hey Guys,

If you know someone who believes that they
have low self esteem, then you must get this
book for them. If you think you have self
esteem issues then get this e-book for yourself!

If you want to blog about having esteem
problems then shoot me a comment.

I believe you'll be surprised by what I have
to say.


This book’s for the girls and young women (and maybe older women) who have been told that they have low self-esteem. I want you to know that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with your self-esteem.

I know you have never heard this before, and the reason that you are just hearing it now is because most everyone else believes the other %$^%. Many assume that when you make interesting choices in friends, men, and/or careers, it's because you don't love yourself enough or that you don't have a high "enough" regard for yourself

Well, I frankly disagree. So, I'm writing this little book to offer you my encouragement that your self-esteem is just fine. I want you to start right now knowing this and reminding yourself of what you know inside--you are an outstanding woman (regardless of your present age) with unparalleled potential WHO LOVES HERSELF!

Your New Best Friend, Debra

$24.97 Regular Price

Sale Price 19.97 During September

Order Yours Today!

Need another sample? Read Below...


The "idea" of self-esteem began in 1657. A guy--no surprise there--by the name of John Milton is believed to be the first person to use the term. Over two centuries later around 1890, psychologists/philosophers Lorne Park and William James introduced the idea to American culture. And the rest is her-story, literally. Did you know that “self-esteem" is the third most written about topic? And, I'll bet you your last dollar that females are the subjects in most of the literature.

Now, given all of this press about the topic, this book is not only well worth your attention, but it offers you another perspective on self-esteem. I'm glad you're still reading because you probably have some questions of your own. I know some "smart" person has told you that you have low or no self-esteem, which is another reason that you are still reading--you really don't believe anything is wrong with your esteem. In fact, the difference between your esteem and theirs is that they think that theirs is fine, and you think yours is low. They value their ideas and you value their ideas more than you do your own. But you do this not because you have low self-esteem, but because smart, confident people tend to get our respect naturally.

I believe that your so called esteem is not about what you do but what you believe. Having said this, I want to share with you just a few of my ideas about self-esteem. First, I want to first make a very bold claim about behaviors that may be considered (by some) as low self-esteem behavior.

More, more, more

Click the buy button and get your copy now.